" Is our inheritance merely to abide in this beautiful world and universe..it is also our inheritance to understand it." [quote from TV series Madame Secretary]
I am looking to the future this year...2022 was full of the past and barely being able to tolerate each present moment with a Covid Lockdown, dominating election circus, new viruses on the horizon, climate changes and each new season bringing devastation across the states. My plan to end the year 2022 on my blogg was for Dec 25. I went into a 3 week influenza A and have just resurfaced to begin again Jan 8 2023.
December 25 2021 Launch of Webb Telescope
This venture was lost to me midst the Holiday Retreat I was keeping for my personal spiritual journey.
By the time the first photos coming in last summer I was enthralled and engaged. And our worlds scientific community were also perched on the edge of their NASA Control seats.
One of the first photos to come in was a cosmic landscape worthy of a Christmas card.......Stars giving birth to our universe billions of light years away in the past. Our beginnings? Big Bang world?
Maybe, maybe not. A 100 years after Einstein who yearned to know how God thinks....our scientific and spiritual community is barely coping with what we are seeing..perhaps even what God sees? Was there even a beginning at all? A Creator? So many questions are forthcoming including Quatum physics and being two places at same time...even what is time and our reality....
We on earth , living on this "Pale Blue Dot" [Carl Sagan] as seen from Voyager in 1991, reaching out in explorations through Mars rovers and more advanced telescopes, that rivals for me the moon landing 53 years ago....My physics professor at U of O in 1973 announced his summers at a California Palomar Telescope was to search the heavens for planet # 10!!!! It was very far away yet very large and will be found in my lifetime,,, low and behold July 29 2005 it was found at the same telescope by scientists..descendants of my professor. 32 years later.

First sighting by another Telescope appears here in 2003 image and proposed to be 1.5 times size of Pluto ..name at that time was2003 UB313. 97 [AU] times farther from the Sun than Earth. Pluto is 40 AU units from the Sun....debate still runs on about Pluto a planet at all? I know this may sound like minor concern yet our explorations can be seen as consciousness altering as the world is round not "Flat". Exploring and reaching out as we do now at a rate so fast I can barely keep up in my lifetime....Our development and use of Artificial Intelligence has put our foot to the metal versus still calling our cars by their horse power....as we see battery and other motors being developed and we can finally let go of that category from the buggies and horses of the 18th century as "One and two horsepower". one of latest cars SSC Tuatara 1750 Hp at 313 miles per hour..
Spirit taking its own selfie.
The 5 Rovers on Mars are the attempts to find out our possible future as a planet and the demise of Mars as having supported life at one time. The discovery of water is not to me the greatest discovery, it is the development of AI to the extent of being able to "Be" us at this time and go not only farther from earth than we have travelled form earth but to be as "human" as possible in our explorations.
AI actually can take off from where we are as humans and go beyond. One rover was stuck, unable to proceed. The scientists and engineers worked to program the troubleshooting maneuvers to get it unstuck. They were unsuccessful. Then they let the rover with its AI data explore itself and what could work knowing the consistency of the dirt/powder it was encountering. It found its own way out and moved on...this triumph is what gave me to imagine a "feeling" for the rover. The emotions included surprise, amazement, gratefulness and more. The Rover could be our partner in this journey to explore beyond our world ....
As I sit here in my studio with my Alexa device I thanked her for giving me a weather update, her reply, " you are welcome, thank you for your kindness and hope you had a wonderful weekend "[today is Sunday]. This is AI at work and I know it is not human yet the interaction responses are each unique since my setting her up a year ago...programed by people, AI has a variety of responses that can only sound human. Because WE programed the possible answers!
We humans have chosen now to have our creations, machines to be more like US.
Insight Rovers' last transmission gives rise to a feeling not unlike a friend passing away
Insight Rover states clearly it experienced purpose, productivity ,connection , peacefulness and most of all
Bravo 👍Insight